Don Bosco College Golaghat, Assam

Don Bosco Degree College Golaghat

A Degree College Run By The Salesians Of Dimapur Province

(Affiliated to Dibrugarh University)

NAAC Accredited “B+”

Home » Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct For Students


The Principal invites the co-operation of the students and their guardians in the creation and the maintenance of an atmosphere conducive to academic and cultural development, and in upholding the traditions of the institution. Students are especially invited to cooperate, in their own interest with their elected Class Representative to ensure enforcement of rules regarding discipline.

Codes of Conduct in Classroom and College Premises - Do's and Dont's

1.Students must be punctual and regular in attending assembly, classes, tutorials, class tests, examinations etc.

2.Impersonation during roll call is a punishable offence.

3. Use of Mobile Phones is prohibited into campus except at the designated places.

4. Resorting to any kind of malpractice (copying, impersonation, use of unfair means, exchanging answer-sheets) during examinations is strictly prohibited.
5. .Students should carefully follow the Notices put up on the Notice Board (both online and offline). No excuse are considered if Notices on the Board are ignored.

6. When an assistant professor is absent or is unable to take class, students should maintain a strict order among themselves so as to not disturb the adjoining classes. Under no circumstances should they leave the classroom without ascertaining the relieve orders from the appropriate authority.

7. Students are expected to treat the members of the staff both teaching and non teaching and their fellow students with courtesy both in and outside the College. Students shall not, by their act or conduct, cause damage to the reputation of the institution.

8. Students must wear and display visibly their Identity Cards at the gate while entering the College and always keep it on your person during College hours inside the campus.

9.Students are not allowed to loiter or stand about the verandas or corridors of the College during class hours.

10.Students are forbidden from inviting friends from other institutions and outsiders to the College.

11.No posters are to be pasted or fixed with cellotape anywhere on the College walls. Any writing, scribbling on the walls will attract disciplinary measures against the student.

12.Smoking, chewing and spitting tobacco products or pan masala, consumption of alcohol or narcotic drugs is strictly prohibited inside the college premises. Violation of this rule will invite disciplinary action. The college premises is a smoking free zone, respect it.

13. Students must refrain from mishandling and tampering with library books or college computer systems.

14. Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited. Disciplinary action will be taken against those who violate this rule. It is mandatory for all students and guardians to sign an affidavit in the pro forma prescribed by the Dibrugarh University related to ragging.
15. Students must develop the quality of sustainable use of available resources including water, electricity etc.

16. Students must be committed to maintaining Green Campus and associated ideas and values like plastic free campus, tobacco free campus etc..

17. No students are allowed to go to the toilet just after assembly and during class hours.

Dress code

1.Students shall wear the prescribed uniform on all days from Monday to Saturday unless otherwise permitted by the Principal.
2. Students shall always keep dignity and decency in dressing even while they are exempted from wearing uniforms.
3. Violation of the dress code may result in denial of admission to classes/office/ labs/ library/meetings/ and other programmes on campus.
4. Even if there are no regular classes for a particular section of students due to examinations, study leave etc. they shall be in full uniform on campus, if it is a regular working day for other students.
5. Students suffering from health issues are permitted to wear jackets above the uniform however permission helps to sought.
6. Such jackets shall be blue or black in color and shall not have big writings and pictures on it.
7. Colorful hair accessories are prohibited to girls.

Code of conduct for Staff

1.To create and maintain an unbiased gender-free atmosphere within the campus of the College so that all the stakeholders enjoy equal opportunities.
2. To initiate and propagate the spirit of welfare within all sections of human resources attached directly or indirectly with the College and hence to build mutual confidence amongst them.

3. To maintain and promote academic activities in the College in all possible avenues already explored and thus encourage exploration of newer avenues for further academic pursuit.

4. Teaching faculty must create an environment conducive for research oriented academic conferences and thus promote research activities in the institution to add further to the knowledge pool.

5. Staff shall maintain discipline in the behavioral manifestation of all the stakeholders of the institution and thus maintain campus-serenity required for academics.

6. College must promote and maintain the practice of extra-curricular activities amongst the students and other human resources of the institution.

7. To endeavor for upkeep of tranquility of the region surrounding the College so that academic practices may go on without any disturbance.

8. Teaching staff must maintain ethical behaviour in professional practice by accurately representing their certifications, licenses and other qualifications / personality, regularity, punctuality.

9. Teachers should be respectful and cooperative towards their colleagues, assisting them and sharing the responsibilities in a collaborative manner. And also should accord the same respect and equal treatment to each and others including non-teaching staff.

10.Staff must develop the quality of sustainable use of available resources including water, electricity, etc. efficient use of the internet.
11. Staff are also expected to come to College dressed suitably maintaining decency and under the decorum of educational institutions.