Don Bosco College Golaghat, Assam
Should be informative, brief and typed in bold, font size 14, upper case letters and centred.
Should be in bold, upper case letter, font size 10, and followed by author’s full address. Corresponding author should highlight using asterisk (*) with valid E-mail ID.
An abstract of not more than 250 words should be given at the beginning of the paper.
The abstract of the paper should be followed by Five Key Words in italics.
The text should be written in the following headings –
INTRODUCTION, METHODOLOGY, RESULT & DISCUSSION andCONCLUSION. Headings should be written in BOLD UPPER CASE and Sub-headings in Bold Lower case, next sub-headings in Bold Lower case Italics and next sub-headings in Lower case Italics.
The author should use the author-date format for citations and references (e.g., Hebbar et al. 2006; Rao, 2001). A List of all the references quoted should be provided at the end of the paper as per APA 7th standard formats. It should be arranged alphabetically with surname of all the authors. The titles of the articles should be mentioned. Full journal name, volume, issue number, page number and date of publication (if available) should be mentioned. Authors will be responsible for the accuracy of their references.
Tables should be typed, together with their titles, on separate sheets. Column headings should be brief, with units of measurement in parenthesis. Vertical line should not be used to separate columns. Avoid presenting tables that are too large to be printed across the page. Each table should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerical e.g. 1, 2, 3, etc. Illustrations and images should be pasted in separate sheet in MS- word document. Avoid using solid black in fills. Soft copy of the scanned images (in 300ppt resolution) or illustrations (uncompressed high resolution) should be submitted in PNG/JPEG/GIF/TIFF format. All figures should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerical. Legends should be typed together with the figures.
Plagiarism the authors are requested to avoid any chance of plagiarism otherwise the author himself/themselves will be solely responsible.
The Research Papers/Review Articles/Research Updates will be peer reviewed, and only after the recommendation of referee it will be considered for publication. The journal follow double blind peer review.