The college follows the system of education developed by St. John Bosco, which is widely known as preventive system of education, based on reason, love of God, loving and kindness. Don Bosco College, Golaghat prepare students to live their lives in abundance and at the same time to be of service to humanity, leaving a mark in the society where they live.
The college begins from 8.45 a.m. with morning assembly and ends at 3p.m. Every week each department is allotted the responsibility to conduct the assembly. The assembly begins with the morning prayer, followed by presentation of news headlines, motivational talks and other necessary informations. Students should come in proper uniform and Identity card. The uniform for the students is sky blue shirt, trousers, black belt, black neck tie, black shoes, and black socks. Every student is issued a regularity card where fees, leave record and disciplinary matters are noted. Speaking of English Language is mandatory in the college campus. The use of mobile phone is completely prohibited during the college hours.