Don Bosco College Golaghat, Assam

Don Bosco Degree College Golaghat

A Degree College Run By The Salesians Of Dimapur Province

(Affiliated to Dibrugarh University)

NAAC Accredited “B+”

Home » Governance and Leadership

Organizational Structure

Don Bosco college, Golaghat is a private Christian (Catholic) institution established and administered by the “Salesians of Don Bosco”, having its headquarters at Dimapur, Nagaland, with the provincial as its head.

The Governing Body of the College is headed by President who is appointed by the Head of Salesian Society Dimapur. The President also serves as Rector/Director of the institute who guides and animates different functionaries of the institute. Governing Body is the policy making body which meets at least twice in a year and if there is a need, emergency meeting is held. He gives directions for long term plans and policy and growth of the institution. The Principal is the head of the institution for all academic and non-academic matters in the college. He is assisted by Vice Principal – Dr. Fr. A Amaladoss (Director- Research and Publication) and Dr. Sr. Sheela Paul, (Vice Principal –Academics and Examination In-charge). The Vice Principals assist the Principal in planning and execution of academics and cocurricular activities of the college. The Vice Principal,Academics and Examination In-charge plans out academic matters  and conducts examinations in collaboration with the HoDs of the department. The Vice-Principal-Director and Research Publication  conduct seminars, publications and FDPs. Statutory bodies like Anti-ragging cell, Grievance Redressal cell etc. include Faculty and students as well which functions under the leadership of Principal. The HoDs supervise and follow up teaching learning and various activities of the departments.

Appointments of Teaching staff is done through staff selection committee following public advertisements and interview which is later placed to the Governing Body for approval. The management and the staff are bound by the service rules followed by the Don Bosco Society Dimapur which is in consonance with the law of the land.

Governance and Leadership

Decentralization management

The institute supports a trend of decentralized governance system with well-defined inter-relationships. The institution is governed and its policy implemented through Governing Body (GB), Principal, Vice Principal- Academics and Examination In-charge, Vice Principal-Director, Research and Publication, HODs, Staff and Students. Regular meetings of these committees are held for the effective and smooth functioning of the institute.

Level of Decentralization

Level of Decentralization

The principle decisions related to the institute are taken by the Governing Body which comprises of persons from various fields. The IQAC team of the college sees to the quality of educational practices in the college. The Principal in consultations with Vice Principal- Academics and Examination In-charge, Vice-Principal – Director, Research and Publication ,  HoDs along with the staff sees to the day today running of the college.

Department level

The Department Heads are responsible for the day-to-day academic and curricular activities of the college. There is a regular staff meeting where any member of the institute can give suggestions and ideas for the betterment of the college. Students also participate through their Student Forum and other formal and informal feedback mechanisms.

Participative management

Strategic Level

The Principal, Vice Principal-Academics and  Examination In-charge, Vice Principal-Director, Research and  Publication along with the staff members are involved in defining the policies and procedures, framing guidelines and rules and regulation pertaining to admission, discipline, grievance, counselling, training development and library services etc. and effectively implementing the same to ensure smooth and systematic functioning of the institute.

Operational level

The Principal of the College is responsible for academic, non-Academic and administrative activities of the institution. On behalf of the institution, he interacts and corresponds with concerned parties like affiliating University, Govt. of Assam, U.G.C. etc. All the Staff members actively participate in the implementation of the policies.